
Features example 1
Features section with icons next to the text.
Features example 2
Using the Features section to display "how it works" steps.
Features example 3
Features with only a title and an image (no icons).

Where should I add these options?

Option Description Expected value
theme The icon placement in each feature-box. Default value is icon left icon left,icon top, or icon bottom.
items per row How many features per row. A number, best between 2 and 4 to have some spacing.
icon size The size of each feature's icon/image. Default value is default. default, medium, large, xl, xxl, or any pixel value (example: 40px).

All features should also be added as options. Replace x with the feature number (1 through ∞).

Option Description Expected value
feature x icon The icon for the feature. Can be:
feature x icon color If your icon is a FontAwesome icon, you can give it a specific color. Hex color or color string.
feature x title The title of the feature. Any text.
feature x text The text for the feature. Any text.
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